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lets not go there mr. death. its visa versa. there's some 'facts' abt indians 2...but lets not start india vs. pakistan again!
Posted 19 Nov 2003


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mr. death its releasing on eid, i think. (the week of nov. 24th...) will u watch?!
Posted 19 Nov 2003


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paki lion said:

i didn't say she doesn't has talents..but dont u think a leading heroine should be thin and beautiful??and about ur indians friends..they are just saying coz u were watching too...for example...when indians are in front of pakistanis they behave like they are peaceful but when there is no pakistanis they will have anti pakistani attitude...the same wid the appreciation of saima's role..i am sure when u are not there..they were talking negative about saima...

lol. she's fat and ugly 4 you! but 4 SOME, she's not as ugly/fat as u make her out 2 be! so 4 the time being, she's fine as a leading heroine!
Posted 19 Nov 2003


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paki lion said:

come on all these guyz are not sooooo old looking ...while saima does!aur nfakfan and sanam jee..i am not disappointed that u dont agree wid my opinions coz i know very well 99% peoples around the world are fed up wid saima coz she doesn't suits as a idol...

paki just have a personal vendetta against saima. usne aap ko kuch kiya hoga pichlay janam may, 4 u 2 hate her so much. LOL. just 4 the sake of putting saima down, you're saying rekha, sunjay dutt, and jackie sheroff DON'T LOOK OLD?!?! hahahahaha!! yaar....please tell me you're joking!
Posted 19 Nov 2003


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TeenTracker said:

Ok I am fed up with this Saima Talk.Pakilion,SRK_Fanatic u r rite but i strongly disagree with sanam and ustad jee that she is a da best havent u seen sara chodary,zara sheikh,iman ali,tehreem and aysha khan

badshah, they're all okay...i never said they are bad! but they're talent is still raw, whereas saima's is proven through many hit movies! these other ladies only have 1-2 each! their talent will get better with more movies/hits, and thats when i'll admit, saima should retire!
Posted 19 Nov 2003


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paki lion said:

thats what i mean..u think saima is much much better then other actrice..come one man! saima's talents is not all that..

2 bad paki lion! i have my own opinion. her acting, 4 me, IS all that. i don't always go 4 looks. and besides, she's not a model. she's an ACTRESS. a better one than the rest, currently!
Posted 19 Nov 2003


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now that you're here, its not like-minded people, cause i'm sure you'll disagree. lol. its an open forum! nobody stopped anybody from giving their 2 sense!

and mr death're not sikh (i don't think). why would YOU cry??
Posted 19 Nov 2003


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charizmatic said:

wohi jo dordarshan karta hai aur zee network karta hai got it mr death

Posted 19 Nov 2003


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umair_mahmood said:

will; i dont think shes gonna cast the actrress from pakistan . its ment to be mixed people . some pakistan and some indian

lets hope she selects a pakistani music director/singers!

Posted 19 Nov 2003


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hahahahahahaha! my sisters ask me the same thing. lol. i joke with 'em and tell 'em i'll wear my nikkar and t-shirt. LOL. (j/k)

but seriously....its salwaar kameeze all the way! u gotta go all out 4 eid! and besides....i don't normally get 2 wear my fancy salwaar kameese's cause there's never an occassion here. but eid...thats when u bust out the pakistani outfits!! how abt u?! lol.

btw...this is the FIRST time i've asked someone what they'll wear, period. LOL. lemme guess....some kinda lenga?! lol. (j/k)
Posted 19 Nov 2003


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so u HAVE been 2 toronto?! u're cuzins live in downtown! wicked! its cool down there. never a dull moment! very lively, as are all downtowns across north america!

i live 25-30 minutes away from downtown t.o.!

so what did u think of the cn tower?! tall eh?! lol. (j/k)
Posted 19 Nov 2003

Topic: wot u think


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lol @ sall!

and thank you umair! atleast u can give credit where credit is due, unlike some people!

Posted 19 Nov 2003


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thank u so much sanam jee! mera sar dard ho raha tha, dealing with paki lion and others, trying 2 explain that saima - when looked at for her talent - is a good actress. and they kept throwing her looks/age in my face?!

and 2 add 2 u're example (rekha)....madhuri is also old and not as fit as these newer actresses. nobody complains abt her. nobody complains abt jackie sheroff, or sunjay dutt either! they're ALL old and (some) ugly, but they can all act well.

Posted 19 Nov 2003


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thank you umair sahib! you have smart friends.
Posted 19 Nov 2003



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lol. oh le! i didn't mean 2 make u hungry or cry! LOL.
Posted 19 Nov 2003


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yaar DID I SAY THAT?!?!?! i said their talent is not AS GOOD AS saima's! thats all!

otherwise zara, veena malik, and all of these ladies have some talent. they're still new tho. when they have enough experience under their belt, and they can compete at the same level as saima...then she will graciously exit lollywood as its lead heroine (i think).

but until then....why should saima leave?! does she not have a right 2 make movies and earn a living? if u don't like watching her...DON'T WATCH!!!! but don't say she should leave and let these other ladies take over. why should she?? does she OWE THEM SOMETHING!?!?!!!! panga le saktee hain yeh actresses saima ke sath, to lelain (talent wise)!!! lol. otherwise she's not going ANYWHERE any time soon!
Posted 19 Nov 2003


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lol. sux 2 be u then, cause u'll be missing an AMAZING movie, 4 a very stupid reason! lol.

and paki lion, don't be crazy. ALL the credit doesn't go 2 sayed noor. he has a vision/idea and he brings that vision/idea 2 life when making a movie. so he gets credit, no doubt. but he and all other directors need TALENT 2 make that vision become a reality, and these talents also get some credit. 1 of the talents he ALWAYS envisions is...u guessed it...saima!!!! LOL.

if quality was all that mattered.....EVERY bollywood and hollywood movie would be a hit, cause ALL their movies have high quality. but they're not all blockbusters cause story, locals, music, and EVEN ACTORS/ACTRESSES matter.

as 4 other talents (zara, sana, veena etc.)...u like 'em so their movies (which always turn out 2 be saima's leftovers!!!!!!!!!!)! nobody's stopping u.

Posted 19 Nov 2003

Topic: wot u think


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paki lion said:

rona mat...i cant help it no one like her..and everybody consider her as fat and ugly girl...

lol. yaar mai kab ro raha houn?! yeh koi nai baat hai (everyone's against saima)?! lol.

aur ek cheez notice karo meray bhai...aap ne KHUDEE usko 'girl' ke deea hay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL, LOL!!!!!
Posted 19 Nov 2003



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lol. cool.....

keep in mind the dishes i mentioned tho! lol. they'll make everyone's mouth water! lol.
Posted 18 Nov 2003

Topic: wot u think


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nothing gets past u paki lion. lol.
Posted 18 Nov 2003


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i'm not as superficial as you paki lion. looks don't matter with me as much as talent. you have no taste when it comes 2 talent.

and you're beginning 2 be like ricky boy (springstepper). you either don't know how 2 read or you're only reading what you want 2. when did i say nobody can be a superstar after saima??? i said WHEN SOMEONE SHOWS THEY HAVE MORE TALENT...SAIMA WILL/SHOULD LEAVE. i've said this A MILLION TIMES, and 4 some reason you don't seem 2 understand.
Posted 18 Nov 2003


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paki lion, paki lion, paki lion...

1 - i never said every script is suitable 4 saima.

2 - are u indian? how would u know they're laughing @ our movie??? u have any proof (sound familiar??)??

3 - i ONLY mentioned 3 hits of saima. there's MANY MORE! and i never said she doesn't have a flop. but then again, so 2 does EVERY OTHER actor actress. you're point is baseless. if sana has 30 flops does that mean she should leave lollywood or be criticized like saima is being, by you????

4 - i never said lollywood is improving thanks 2 saima. i said a movie in which SHE IS THE MAIN CHARACTER (larki punjaban), is being looked upon as the ace 2 pull lollywood up from its current state. u can't deny that. laaj was NOWHERE near what people expected it 2 be. salakhein is also being looked upon as are other movies. but i mentioed LP cause we're talkin abt saima, and she's ACTUALLY IN IT. so if it succeeds, its thanks in large part 2 her, and others as well.

5 - i never said i speak 4 the public. i only speak 4 myself, especially when it comes 2 saima. i'm entitled 2 my opinion - which is, i think saima's the most successful and talented actress in lollywood and she doesnt have 2 retire just 4 u people - and you're entitled 2 your own opinion.

6 - lastly, paki lion: if you don't like her that much....don't watch her movies (as you don't). stop complaining and asking 4 her 2 retire. she can do what she likes. if someone offers u 6 lacks 2 act in movies despite your age and 'looks' and appreciate your talent, you'd be RETARDED not 2 accept. and saima's DEFINATELY not retarded by the looks of it.
Posted 18 Nov 2003


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LOL. what is this, some revolt against saima?! LOL.

look...all you guys can complain 'till you turn it or not, saima 4 the time being, is going NOWHERE!!! might as well enjoy her while you can! LOL. proved my point yourself! lol. u said

'jab tak wo rahey gi koi director kise ko leyga bhi nahin u know why it's not because saima acts better its juss that the directors r with her.'

as far as her not acting better....thats your own opinion. you don't speak 4 the directors! they cast saima in favour of these newer actresses 4 their own reasons, and the fact that she can out-act them ALL is probably the main one. bottom line tho...she's 'IN' with directors while other are not! thats not her problem!

zara didn't come in chooriyan or mendhi wale hath cause she was not in lollywood at the time. they got the BEST 2 fill the role...and that was saima. as far as her looking older than the hero (maummar)'re right. but guess what....THE MOVIES WERE SUCCESSFUL NONETHELESS!!!!!!!

as 4 what major accomplishment saima had in each movie i named...she did what no present-day actress has been able 2 do....get lead roles where she was the MAIN CHARACTER. and you're askin' me what did she did in them?????? get real my friend! in an industry where females are sideshows in 99.9% of our movies, saima landed 3 BIG TIME ROLES, where she was anything BUT a sideshow!! and her acting in all 3 showcased her TALENT!

lastly...u don't like her...DON'T WATCH HER MOVIES! end of story. if u think she's going 2 leave lollywood you're in 4 a LONG wait! she has a right 2 make movies and you have a right 2 choose weather or not 2 watch them!
Posted 18 Nov 2003


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sanam you're right on all accounts!

paki lion, i'm sorry but you need 2 get your story straight! sometimes your against saima for her weight and sometimes her age. newsflash: EVERYONE AGES!! you, me, saima, and everyone! we all get older. that doesn't mean she has 2 stop acting. when she's 80....if these 'newcomers' can act as well as she can...then yes saima will retire. but 2 date NOBODY HAS. if zara and all these other 'thinner, younger' actresses were better than saima, she would have been outta lollywood LONG AGO!

Posted 18 Nov 2003


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EXCELLENT! just another example of pakistani music reaching unprecidented heights.
Posted 18 Nov 2003


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lol @ tracker sahib! jinaab let me enjoy my small victory while i can! lol.

and lol @ srk! i hate 2 break it 2 u yaar but i somewhat agree with sanam (not just cause she's backin' me up on saima!). lol.

ex: madhuri's a MUCH better actress. then there's that other lady...the unibrow lady....kajol i think?! she's also good. ash is ok 2, but her success is more thanks 2 her face than her acting, in my opinion!
Posted 18 Nov 2003


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IMAN said:

Okay u know what i tottaly disagree with u. You make it seem like saima is everything but my friend one day she has to go out of movies do u know how old she is she used to come with sultan rahi.k i think the industry should give newcomers a chance i think sana is way better then saima....i think zara sheikh should come more n the other actress..shaan i do agree he is what we've got in

lollywood no 1 is better then him but saima give me a break yaar....wo chali jaiy gi to koi farak nahin parey ga...what does she do tell me...what actin are u talkin about the women doesn't even know how to speak well...she has a childish voice..sorry if u really like her but i tottaly disagree with u....u know kashif mehmood that guy actes like shahrukh khan but the industry won't give him a chance i think shaan can't even act like the way kashif does..

i guess we agree 2 disagree! the way i see it: if someone in the entertainment industry has pure talent...NOBODY can stand in their way of success. that being said, saima's not holding anyone back. she's not holding a gun 2 zara sheikh's head, or 2 sana's head or ANY actresses' head and saying 'you cant come into lollywood while i'm here!!' if they can compete with her talent, i'm sure she would have retired long ago! but 2 date...nobody has been able 2 match her ability in my opinion!

i also find it odd that most people attribute alot of lollywood's problems 2 saima, yet they ALSO DEPEND on her and her upcoming movie larki punjaban 2 help turn the industry's fortunes around! LOL.

u asked what does she do (what good acting)?!?! i can give u 3 examples of oscar like performances!!! (j/k):
chooriyan, mendhi wale hath, and daku rani! she was brilliant in all 3!!!

as 4 comment!! sana...compared 2 the great SAIMA?!?!!!!!! LOL. (j/k) anyone but HER (sana)iman jee!!

so thats how i see it! if actors or actresses have talent...they will EVENTUALLY de-thrown shaan and saima from a-top lollywood! but until then....i personally give credit where credit is due (regardless of their age), and enjoy shaan and saima's work, while they're still around!!!
Posted 18 Nov 2003


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aur as 4 humaira i meant u should go 2 and click on her pic, 2 read her interview!! u don't have 2 post her pics here! lol. sadia imam's more than enough! aur vaisay bhi, humaira's a seedee sadee sharif singer! kahan models aur kahan humaira! lol.
Posted 18 Nov 2003


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WAH JEE WAH!!! THANK YOU SANAM JEE FOR THINKING LOGICALLY AND BEING SO HONEST!!! mad props 2 u!! mai aap ko mangaya houn!!
Posted 18 Nov 2003


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umair_mahmood said:

will i was listeining to the radio and she come and said she made a movie 'Paap' whcih is gon to lunch at the pakistan film festival . the songs have been dont by Rahat Fateh Ali Khan

really?! interesting! lets see if rahat can live up2 his uncle's standard!

and why is everyone laughing at naseebo?! r u laughing at her cause she'll be acting, or r u laughing at her in general?! just curious?!
Posted 18 Nov 2003